Sunday, 21 September 2008

Autumn Programme Covering Letter

The following is the text of the covering letter for the Autumn Programme sent by the Secretary and Rector to the Brothers:

Enclosed are the Autumn Programme for this year and various self-explanatory letters relating to Brothers' business, together with a list of the Officers for the coming year.
In future, all programmes, serving lists and other communications will, as well as being disseminated by hard copy as usual, be posted on the Brothers' Blog. If you would be happy to dispense with receiving hard copy communications and henceforth receive serving lists by e-mail and via the blog, and all other notices via the blog, please let us know, and this will save a considerable amount in postage. It is precisely because of the high cost of postage that this mailing is being sent out somewhat later than intended, in order to avoid the necessity of a second mailing within a short time of this one. There are obviously no plans to stop producing hard copy documents for those who wish to continue to receive them.

Brothers' Requiem and Dinner

The following is the text of a letter sent by the Rector to the Brothers with the Autumn Programme:

The Annual Requiem for departed Brothers will be sung this year by Fr. Prefect on Monday 17th November at 6.30p.m. in the Little Oratory. It will be followed, as usual, by the Annual Brothers' Dinner.
Dinner this year will be, as it has been on many occasions in the past, in a local restaurant. We have managed to arrange a particularly favourable price at Orsini, directly opposite the Little Oratory on Thurloe Place.
Given that the price must cover the costs of those invited at our expense, we have had to raise the ticket cost to £40 (to include a half bottle of wine) per head.
Space is somewhat limited, so we can only accommodate Brothers, the Provost, Father Prefect, Father Adjutor and those other members of the Community whoc take part in the ceremonies of the Mass, all of whom are invited as our guests.
There was a certain degree of tardiness in responding and providing payment last year. We need to have firm numbers and to have received payment by the close of Exercises on Sunday 26th October. No exceptions can or will be made this year, nor will reminders be issued.
Could you please let me know as soon as possible, and in any case by the above-mentioned date, whether you will be attending the Dinner, by returning the attached slip together with payment in full to me, c/o/ The Oratory? Please make cheques payable to The London Oratory Charity, and also indicate on the slip whether you have any special dietary requirements.

Oratory October Organ Recital Series

The following is the text of a letter sent by the Rector to the Brothers with the Autumn Programme:

This year's October Organ Recitals at the Oratory will commemorate the centenary of the birth of Olivier Messiaen, one of the most significant voices in twentieth century organ music.
As the organ, designed by Ralph Downes, at the Royal Festival Hall is currently out of action, the series is being given in conjunction with the South Bank Centre, and it is anticipated that there will be many more people attending the recitals than usual.
The Music Department have asked us to provide ushers for the series. We really need at least five people for each evening. Could you please let me know whether you will be able to assist at any of the concerts, which will be taking place every Monday in October at 7.30p.m., and which last about an hour each?
Many thanks for your co-operation.

Saint Wilfrid's Hall

The following is the text of a letter sent by Fr. Prefect to the Brothers with the Autumn Programme:

There has recently been a substantial increase in the number of Brothers seeking to make use, free of charge, of St. Wilfrid's Hall for private functions.
Circumstances have changed dramatically since the time when St. Wilfrid's Hall was built as the Brothers' Recreation Room, and the hire of both of the Halls now represents an important source of income for the Oratory. As a result of one recent free booking by a Brother, it was not possible to accommodate an external function which would have generated income.
We have therefore decided that, in future, any Brother wishing wishing to use St. Wilfrid's Hall for a private function may do so free of charge, subject to the limitations given below, except on Fridays and Saturdays, on which days he will have to pay the standard hire fee. Brothers may, at out discretion, continue to have free use of St. Wilfrid's Hall on other days, subject to each Brother's having one free booking per annum, after which he will have to pay half of the standard hire fee. It goes without saying that any free or cut-price bookings must be actually for the Brother in question, and not merely be made by him on behalf of his friends or family.
All enquiries relating to the use of the Hall by Brothers on the favourable weekday terms should be directed in the first instance, in writing only, to the Rector.

Brothers' Autumn Programme, 2008

Sunday 21st September
Little Oratory, 4.30p.m.
Congregation of Elections
Resumption of formal Oratory Exercises after summer break ad aquas.

Monday 29th September
Oratory Church, 6.30p.m.
Ss. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels
Solemn Benediction.

All Mondays in October
Oratory Church, 7.30p.m. (Robes)
October Organ Recital Series
Brothers are acting as Ushers.

Saturday 11th October
Cathedral Piazza, 1.45p.m. (Robes)
Rosary Crusade of Reparation
All Brothers are strongly urged to take part. The proession will reach the Oratory at about 3.30p.m., and the proceedings will close with Solemn Benediction at 4.30p.m., served by the Brothers.

Monday 13th October
Oratory Church, 6.30p.m.
Saint Edward, King & Confessor
Solemn Benediction.

Monday 3rd November
Oratory Church, 6.30p.m.
All Souls
High Mass.

Monday 17th November
Little Oratory, 6.30p.m.
Brothers' Annual Requiem and Dinner
High Mass followed by Dinner.

Saturday 22nd November
Usual Saturday Masses in Oratory Church
Saint Cecilia
Patroness of the Little Oratory.

Arrangements for Mass on 1st November and for the annual Requiem for Fathers and Brothers will be circulated as soon as we have them.

Friday, 19 September 2008

Officers for Year Commencing September 2008

The Officers for the coming year are as follows:

Timothy Ashurst
James Godwin
James Godwin
James Cross
Head Sacristan:
James Cross
Philip Benzinski
Thomas Spannring
Kristian Hamberg
Oliver McCarthy
Richard McCarthy
Joel Coles
James Cross
Maestro di Cappella:
Timothy Ashurst
Maestri di Camera:
Paul Andrew (during term-time)
Joel Coles (outside term-time)
Oliver McCarthy (outside term-time)
Pat Roberts
Paul Andrew
Oliver McCarthy

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Annual Requiem & Dinner

The Annual Requiem Mass for departed Brothers will be sung on Monday 17th November 2008 at 6.30p.m. in the Little Oratory. It will be followed by the Annual Dinner.

Resumption of Formal Exercises

Formal Exercises in the Little Oratory will recommence on Sunday 21st September 2008 at 4.30p.m. with the Congregation of Elections.

September 2008 Serving List

Here is the Serving List for September 2008.

7th September 2008

9a.m. Low Mass:
Richard McCarthy & Joel Coles
11a.m. High Mass:
Oliver McCarthy; Pat Roberts; Richard McCarthy & James Godwin
3.30p.m. Solemn Vespers & Benediction:
James Cross; Michael Tweedale; Jean Leger & Philip Benzinski

14th September 2008

9a.m. Low Mass:
Anthony Jeffery & Timothy Ashurst
11a.m. High Mass:
James Cross; Joel Coles; Philip Benzinski & Oliver McCarthy
3.30p.m. Solemn Vespers & Benediction:
James Cross; Oliver McCarthy; Jean Leger & Joel Coles

21st September 2008

9a.m. Low Mass:
James Godwin & Oliver McCarthy
11a.m. High Mass:
Richard McCarthy; James Cross; Jean Leger & Joel Coles
3.30p.m. Solemn Vespers & Benediction:
James Cross; Joel Coles; Philip Benzinski & Oliver McCarthy

28th September 2008

9a.m. Low Mass:
Joel Coles & James Cross
11a.m. High Mass:
Anthony Jeffery & St. Philip's School Servers
3.30p.m. Solemn Vespers & Benediction:
James Cross; Oliver McCarthy; James Godwin & Jean Leger

29th September 2008
6.30p.m. Solemn Benediction:
James Cross; James Godwin; Jean Leger & Richard McCarthy