Sunday, 31 May 2009

Serving List for June 2009

Here is this month's serving list.

Sunday 7th June

9a.m. Old Rite Low Mass:
Timothy Ashurst & Oliver McCarthy
11a.m. High Mass:
Richard McCarthy; James Godwin; Michael Frost & Jean Leger
3.30p.m. Solemn Vespers & Benediction:
Fr. Rupert & James Cross; Michael Frost; James Godwin & Oliver McCarthy

Thursday 11th June
Corpus Christi

8a.m. Old Rite Low Mass:
Timothy Ashurst
6.30p.m. Missa Cantata (Little Oratory):
Servers to be confirmed

Sunday 14th June
Corpus Christi (transferred)

9a.m. Old Rite Low Mass:
Joel Coles & James Cross
11a.m. High Mass:
Anthony Jeffery and St. Philip's School Servers
3p.m. Solemn Vespers, Procession & Benediction (N.B. Early start):
Fr. Rupert & James Cross; James Godwin & Philip Benzinski; Jean Leger & Richard McCarthy; Michael Frost (Baldacchino); Timothy Ashurst (Ombrellino)

Friday 19th June
Sacred Heart

8a.m. Old Rite Low Mass:
Timothy Ashurst
6.30p.m. Solemn Benediction:
James Cross; James Godwin; Jean Leger & Michael Frost

Sunday 21st June

9a.m. Old Rite Low Mass:
Timothy Ashurst & Anthony Jeffery
11a.m. High Mass:
Oliver McCarthy; Pat Roberts; Francis Carey & James Godwin
3.30p.m. Solemn Vespers & Benediction:
James Cross; Michael Tweedale; Michael Frost & Philip Benzinski

Monday 22nd June
Ss. John Fisher & Thomas More

6.30p.m. Solemn Benediction:
James Cross; James Godwin; Michael Frost & Jean Leger

Wednesday 24th June
Nativity of St. John the Baptist

8a.m. Old Rite Low Mass:
Timothy Ashurst
6.30p.m. Solemn Benediction:
James Cross; Michael Frost; Jean Leger & Richard McCarthy

Sunday 28th June
Ss. Peter & Paul (transferred)

9a.m. Old Rite Low Mass:
Joel Coles & Richard McCarthy;
11a.m. High Mass:
James Cross; Oliver McCarthy; Michael Frost & Jean Leger
3.30p.m. Solemn Vespers & Benediction:
Fr. Rupert & James Cross; Michael Frost; Michael Tweedale & Jean Leger

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Programme for Eastertide 2009

Here is the latest programme of Brothers' events.

Monday 20th April
Dedication of the Oratory Church
6.30p.m. Solemn Benediction

Thursday 23rd April
Saint George, Protector of England
ca. 7.15p.m. Solemn Benediction

Sunday 3rd May
ca. 4p.m. Procession of Our Lady (Robes)
Any Brothers not taking part in the ceremonies of Vespers, the Procession and Benediction are asked to attend, and walk in the Procession, robed and carrying candles.
Monday 4th May
The English Martyrs
6.30p.m. Solemn Benediction
Thursday 21st May
The Ascension of Our Lord
6.30p.m. Missa Cantata in the Little Oratory
Friday 22nd May
Our Holy Father SAINT PHILIP
6.30p.m. Triduo Devotions
Monday 25th May
Our Holy Father SAINT PHILIP
5.30p.m. Solemn First Vespers and Benediction
Tuesday 26th May
Our Holy Father SAINT PHILIP
8.00a.m. Brothers' Mass in the Little Oratory, followed by Breakfast
6.30p.m. High Mass
Sunday 31st May
4.30p.m. Admission of a New Brother at Exercises
Thursday 11th June
Corpus Christi
6.30p.m. Missa Cantata in the Little Oratory
Sunday 14th June
Corpus Christi (transferred)
Mass at usual Sunday times.
3.00p.m. (N.B. Early start) Solemn Vespers, Procession of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction (Robes)
Any Brothers not taking part in the ceremonies of Vespers, the Procession and Benediction are asked to attend, and walk in the Procession, robed and carrying candles.
Saturday 20th June
1.00p.m. to 4.30p.m. Annual Garden Party
The Brothers will, as usual, be in charge of the Pimm's stall.
Thursday 1st July
The Most Precious Blood
7.00p.m. Missa Cantata in the Little Oratory (Robes)
This Mass is organised by Saint Phlip's School, and sung by their Chaplain. Brothers, who are, of course, members of the Confraternity of the Most Precious Blood, are invited to sit in choir, robed.
Sunday 25th July
4.30p.m. Last formal Exercises of the season
Formal Exercises will resume on Sunday 20th September with the Congregation of Elections