Friday, 30 November 2012

Winter Programme 2011-2012

Sunday 2nd December
First Sunday in Advent
Advent Musical Oratory ca. 4.00p.m. in the Little Oratory (Robes), followed by tea in St. Wilfrid's Hall for the Musicians, Junior Choir and their parents.
Brothers will be needed to prepare and assist with the tea. Any Brothers who are willing and able to assist should contact the Secretary.

Friday 7th December
First Vespers of the Immaculate Conception at 5.30p.m.

Saturday 8th December
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
High Mass at 11.00a.m.

Sunday 9th December
Procession in honour of the Immaculate Conception ca. 4.00p.m. (Robes)
Brothers will be needed to carry the statue of Our Lady. Brothers who are not serving the ceremonies or carrying the statue are strongly encouraged to walk in the procession, robed. The procession will be followed by recreation.

Saturday 15th December
Feast of Blessed Anthony Grassi
Mass at usual Saturday times.

Friday 21st December
Annual Carol Service and Benediction at 7.30p.m.
Brothers will be needed to act as Ushers and serve Solemn Benediction. Please arrive at around 7.00p.m. to be ready in church for the opening
Monday 24th December
Christmas Eve
Christmas Carols and Midnight Mass at 11.30p.m.
Brothers will be needed to provide Crowd Control. Please arrive by 11.00p.m. to be ready in church for the opening

Tuesday 25th December
Christmas Day
Mass times as on notices.

Sunday 6th January
Feast of the Epiphany
Mass, Solemn Vespers & Benediction and Exercises of the Little Oratory at usual Sunday times.

Wednesday 16th January
Feast of Blessed Joseph Vaz
Solemn Benediction at 6.30p.m.

Wednesday 30th January
Feast of Blessed Sebastian Valfrè
Solemn Benediction at 6.30p.m.
Blessed Sebastian's Altar was paid for by subscriptions from the Brothers of the Little Oratory at the time of its erection.

Saturday 2nd February
Feast of the Purification
Blessing of candles, procession and High Mass at 11.00a.m. (Robes)
Brothers who are not serving are strongly encouraged to walk in the procession, robed.

Sunday 10th February
Procession of Our Lady of Lourdes ca. 4.00p.m. (Robes)
Brothers will be needed to carry the statue of Our Lady. Brothers who are not serving the ceremonies or carrying the statue are strongly encouraged to walk in the procession, robed. The procession will be followed by recreation.

Monday 11th February
Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes
Mass at weekday times.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Serving List December 2012

Sunday 2nd December
9.00a.m. Old Rite Low Mass:
Richard McCarthy & James Godwin
11.00a.m. High Mass:
Philip Benzinski; Oliver McCarthy; James Cross & Andrew Lawrence
3.30p.m. Solemn Vespers & Benediction:
James Cross; Hans Coessens; Jean Leger & Oliver McCarthy

Friday 7th December
The Immaculate Conception
5.30p.m. First Vespers:
F. Rupert & James Cross; Philip Benzinski; Andrew Wilce & Jean Leger

Saturday 8th December
The Immaculate Conception
11.00a.m. High Mass:
James Cross; Oliver McCarthy; Richard McCarthy & Philip Benzinski; Andrew Wilce & Jean Leger

Sunday 9th December
9.00a.m. Old Rite Low Mass:
Parish boy servers
11.00a.m. High Mass:
Anthony Jeffery & St. Philip's school servers
3.30p.m. Solemn Vespers, Procession in honour of the Immaculate Conception, & Benediction:
James Cross; Hans Coessens; James Godwin & Philip Benzinski

Sunday 16th December
9.00a.m. Old Rite Low Mass:
James Godwin & James Cross
11.00a.m. High Mass:
Richard McCarthy; James Cross; Philip Benzinski & Andrew Lawrence
3.30p.m. Solemn Vespers & Benediction:
James Cross; Hans Coessens; Jean Leger & Oliver McCarthy

Friday 21st December
7.30p.m. Annual Carol Service & Solemn Benediction:
James Cross; James Godwin; Hans Coessens & Philip Benzinski; Jean Leger & Andrew Wilce; Oliver McCarthy & Andrew Cusack

Sunday 23rd December
9.00a.m. Old Rite Low Mass:
James Cross & Timothy Ashurst
11.00a.m. High Mass:
Oliver McCarthy; James Godwin; Philip Benzinski & Andrew Lawrence
3.30p.m. Solemn Vespers & Benediction:
James Cross; Philip Benzinski; Hans Coessens & Richard McCarthy

Monday 24th December
Christmas Eve
11.30p.m. Christmas Carols & Midnight Mass:
F. Rupert & James Cross; Mike Frost; James Godwin & Oliver McCarthy

Tuesday 25th December
Christmas Day
11.00a.m. High Mass:
Richard McCarthy; Philip Benzinski; Hans Coessens & Oliver McCarthy

Sunday 30th December
9.00a.m. Old Rite Low Mass:
Oliver McCarthy & James Cross
11.00a.m. High Mass:
James Godwin; Richard McCarthy; James Cross & Andrew Cusack
3.30p.m. Solemn Vespers & Benediction:
James Cross; Hans Coessens; Andrew Wilce & Oliver McCarthy

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Annual Requiem for Deceased Brothers and Dinner

The following is the text of a letter sent by the Rector to the Brothers: The Annual Requiem Mass for departed Brothers will be sung this year on Friday 23rd November at 7.15p.m. in the Little Oratory.  It will be followed by the Annual Brothers’ Dinner at the Brompton Bar and Grill in Brompton Road.  The tickets will cost £35 per head (including wine).  Brothers are encouraged to bring friends and potential postulants as their guests. We need numbers and payments as soon as possible.  If you wish to come to the dinner, please inform the Secretary (with mention of any special dietary requirements).  Cheques made payable to ‘The London Oratory Charity’ should be sent to the Secretary c/o the Oratory by Friday 16th November.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Serving List November 2012

Sunday 4th November
9.00a.m. Old Rite Low Mass:
Oliver McCarthy & James Cross
11.00a.m. High Mass:
Richard McCarthy; Francis Carey; James Cross & Andrew Wilce
3.30p.m. Solemn Vespers & Benediction:
James Cross; James Godwin; Philip Benzinski & Jean Leger

Sunday 11th November
Remembrance Sunday
9.00a.m. Old Rite Low Mass
Parish boys
11.00a.m. High Mass:
Anthony Jeffery & St Philip's School Servers
3.30p.m. Solemn Vespers & Benediction:
James Cross; Oliver McCarthy; Andrew Wilce & Hans Coessens

Friday 16th November
6.00p.m. High Mass of Requiem for Deceased Fathers & Brothers of the Oratory:
James Cross; Philip Benzinski; Jean Leger & Andrew Wilce

Sunday 18th November
9.00a.m. Old Rite Low Mass:
Oliver McCarthy & James Cross
11.00a.m. High Mass:
James Godwin; Richard McCarthy; Francis Carey & Jean Leger
3.30p.m. Solemn Benediction:
James Cross; Philip Benzinski; Jean Leger & Oliver McCarthy

Sunday 25th November
Christ the King (F. Prefect's Feast)
9.00a.m. Old Rite Low Mass:
Anthony Jeffery & Timothy Ashurst
11.00a.m. High Mass:
James Cross; Philip Benzinski; Bernard Diver & Andrew Wilce; Jean Leger & Oliver McCarthy
3.30p.m. Solemn Vespers & Benediction:
James Cross; Oliver McCarthy; Richard McCarthy & Philip Benzinski