As some of you may know a pilgrimage is being organised by the Latin Mass Society to take place on Saturday 23rd October to mark the 4th Centenary of Blessed George Napier, captured and martyred in 1610. Napier was beatified by Pope Pius XI in 1929 and the Most Reverend Bernard Longley Archbishop of Birmingham will lead a procession and bless a plaque for the last Oxford martyr who died in Oxford to be commemorated in this fashion. A number of Brothers in previous years have been supportive and we have been approached to find out whether any individual Brothers would like to take part and process in robes of the Confraternity of the Precious Blood. The days kicks off with Mass in the Dominican Priority at Blackfriars at 11am, the Procession will be at 2pm ending with Benediction at 3pm.
If any individual Brothers would like to attend please be so good as to let me know as a number of Brothers have already expressed an interest.