Monday 28 June 2010

In Festo Ss. Petri & Pauli, App.

Mid the ruined splendours of Rome's pagan sway,
Stands a mighty Empire. ne'er to pass away;
And that Empire's Ruler, blest by God above,
Rules his countless children with a father's love.
Thou art Peter! Strong, unshaken Rock;
Christ's own Vicar! Shepherd of His flock;
We thy loving children join in fervent prayer,
God preserve and bless thee, keep thee in His care!

Over distant mountains, over ocean's tide,
Spreads that mighty Empire, stretching far and wide;
On that sure Foundation, while the ages run,
Holy - Universal, Apostolic - One!
Thou art Peter! Strong unshaken Rock:
Christ's own Vicar! Shepherd of His flock;
We thy loving children join in fervent prayer,
God preserve and bless thee, keep thee in His care!

When by Satan's power, heresy is rife,
Comes a Voice unerring, clear amid the strife;
Hell at once is silent, storm and strife are o'er,
Rome the word hath spoken, doubt can be no more.
Thou art Peter! Strong unshaken Rock;
Christ's own Vicar! Shepherd of his flock;
We thy loving children join in fervent prayer,
God preserve and bless thee, keep thee in His care.

So the ship of Peter sails the troubled sea,
Safe in Peter's guidance, sure of victory;
Ark of our salvation, every nation's home,
Till the consummation of the world shall come.
Thou art Peter! Strong unshaken Rock;
Christ's own Vicar! Shepherd of His flock;
We thy loving children join in fervent prayer,
God preserve and bless thee, keep thee in His care.

This great hymn was written by Father Kerr.